
Alright, let me write something. Found it on trending topic (again-_-) and I immediately feel interested. So, as usual I pick my blog to write this topic instead of my twitter. Cause I feel more free here.

Before I begin, I want to share a good quote that I just found earlier from tumblr:
"I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scar, failure, disorder, distortion." - Yohji Yamamoto.
I also think so. There's a memory behind a scar. I don't want perfect body, cause the perfect one won't have a memorable scar :)

I don't know how many scars I have on my body. I never count it. But one thing I know is too-much-scars-on-my-body those will make me not allowed to be a flight-attendant hahaha (So since when did I want to be a flight-attendant? :p)

A scar on the back of my left-hand is caused by chickenpox when I was a first grade in elementary school.

A scar under my thumb on my right-hand was a gift from my bestfriend in elementary school. I can remember that moment clearly. At that time, we were displaying our work to the wall using selotape. Do you know the type of tape that has a cutter? Called selotape dispenser. Nah, my bestfriend accidentally hit my hand into the cutter. Then my hand started to bleed a lot. Me and my bestfriend was screaming together. We soon ran out of the classroom. I went to the toilet to wash the blood on my hand while my bestfriend ran and looking for bandages. We both extremely panicked.

Weapon cuts its own master (?)

A scar on my calf of my right leg caused by a hot exhaust of motorcycle hahaha. It's both of an absurd story and a sad story. I cried a whole day without stopping.

A scar on my neck......... ah, I don't want to explain at all. Sorry ;)

A scar behind my hair caused by an incident that resulted my head harmed.

The scars on my knee caused by many incident since I was a kid. Such as fell off the bike, skateboard, scooter, etc. I've also fell down from the stairs and the top of two-storey bed.

And I got the other scars from my adventure. I made them as my experiences. Overall I love my scars and I never ever let them disappear haha.
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