This is a song for you...

Stuck In The Past

It’s just another day

When I lay in my bed and keep thinking, thinking

Think about the precious memories

Then I started to smiling without reason

I know you’ve changed

I know things would never be the same

Everyday I'm wondering

What are you doing now?

Do you still remember me? Do you still remember our history?

Yea yea

So come back to my promises two years ago

I say that I won’t found anyone but you

Till the end of time I won’t forget you

I’ll keep that promise forever

Even though we already fall apart

You said you were afraid if I can’t fly because of you

Come on think how can I fly if my wings were you?

You didn’t want me to leave

And also didn’t ask me to stay

Hey! What do you want?

So come back to my promises two years ago

I say that I won’t found anyone but you

Till the end of time I won’t forget you

I’ll keep that promise forever

Even though we already fall apart

No one can replaced you

You’re the last one for me
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  1. Ini lagu siapa ya dan downloadnya dimana ? Tolong yaa.. trims

  2. ini coret2an saya sendiri dan bukan bener2 lagu. sama sama
